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When a play from 1918 presents an organisation of 2019

A play from 1918 mirrors the functioning of an organisation/system in 2019! Yes you read it right.

Replete with sarcasm and humour Tota Kahini (The parrot’s education) is a play that presents a king who is like the top management executive, a minister who is akin to today’s mid senior level manager, a parrot who is a mute spectator like the present day customer, and a whistleblower who is very similar to the whistleblower of today.

The play uses these four characters to ask some hard hitting questions- Why are we in the business?Are we really customer centred? How do middle level, mid senior level managers run the show? Does all our verbosity on corporate culture actually percolate down to the lowest level and in day- to-day working? How do we deal with complaints?

There are parallels from 1918 to 2019.While a lot has changed little seems to have changed. We hope this theatrical work provides insights, makes one think and most importantly entertains and makes you have a good laugh.

Three Stories at Kulturraum, Thalwil on 24.Mar.2019

Originally published on LinkedIn on Sep 10, 2018:

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