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TRAYEE – a Benefit Concert by Sarvamangala Society and SDH, 21.Sep.2024

Sarvamangala Society and SDH present TRAYEE – a Benefit Concert in support of the Sarvamangala Girls Project.

The Sarvamangala Girls project helps young girls from less advantaged backgrounds in India (Sikkim, Gujrat, Rishikesh and Chennai), Nepal and Bali. It provides funds for education, self management skills and counselling services and mentoring through a well monitored and screened ecosystem all done by professional women – from and by the women for the young girls

We present Trayee – an exquisite instrumental ensemble, showcasing the mesmerizing synergy of three exceptionally talented female artists.

There are no specified ticket prices. All your contributions go to the Girls project. Prior registration is however necessary. Please write to

4:00 PM | Ashram Auditorium,Omkarananda Ashram,Anton Graf Strasse 79, 8400 Winterthur

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